It was my pleasure to join the Career Pathways podcast with Doreen Fernandez (Career Coach) and Sandra Smart (Personality Assessment & Personal Development Coach). In their coaching collaboration, Doreen and Sandra provide a full spectrum of services in support of job search and career transition strategies. This includes: resume writing, interview coaching, and personality assessment. We had a great discussion about using Astrology as a tool within a Transformational Coaching practice. Click on the audio below for the full conversation.

An astrology chart consultation offers personal insights and increased understanding of the individual’s life experience. Having acquired new perspective during a collaborative consultation many clients ask, ‘What can I do now?’ The reading itself can be the beginning of a process towards personal growth and development, as illustrated in the graphic below.

The chart is a symbolic representation of an individual’s potentiality, not unlike a map. Within that context, astrology may be considered a tool of navigation from which to understand how and why we have come to our present life circumstances, how to move forward, and in which direction we might travel. One of the many gifts that astrology offers is to help us understand the nature of the past and the present. The symbolism in the horoscope considered within the context of an individual’s life experience allows us to understand what evolutionary motivations or purposes created those experiences. From there we can begin to connect the steps along our path and choose how to move forward. This is where the evolutionary astrologer becomes a coach, or guide, to help define and facilitate a customized plan for individual development or personal transformation.

Coaching Sessions & Programs

Coaching sessions are a natural follow up to an astrology reading. Individual, or a series of, sessions can be very beneficial, each one structured to the unique needs and preferences of the client. Coaching sessions are based on collaborative discussion supported by various tools and resources such as: tips and guides; worksheets; planning templates; and, assignments.

One 60 minute session is CAD $125.00


Package of four 60 minute sessions is CAD $365.00


Customized payment amount.