From Awareness to Transformation

The intent of this inaugural blog is to share part of my personal experience to illustrate that the journey from awareness to transformation is possible. How and when will be unique to one’s individual life experience, while shaping the quality of what is yet to come. ~ JL

Self-Discovery and Action

Why am I here?

Many of us have pondered this question, but how many actually figure out the answer? For some it is a lifetime of self-discovery and intentional action.

The path I discovered, part of my evolutionary journey, has become my mission:

‘to help others better understand themselves, their story, and how to engage fully with their unique potential to live more fulfilling and joyful lives’

With gratitude, I can characterize my life as one big adventure: lots of ups and downs, plot twists, joys, and sorrows. I have always been moving forward, sometimes in leaps, at other times with baby-steps. In some instances, I started down a path but once on the track I realized it was not where I wanted to be. Trial and error, lessons learned, and ‘badges won’… moving forward, but without a clear direction.

There is a benefit to not standing still…

At least while in motion there is the possibility that new experiences and perspectives will lead to something. At least that is what I believed. Faith or determination? I’m not sure it matters…perhaps it is the journey itself that is important.

Change is Constant

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus (circa 500BCE) said “The only constant in life is change”. After more than 2000 years, the relevance of his observation is vividly apparent. So too, is evidence that

…people not only resist change but lack the skills, knowledge, self awareness and understanding of how to deal with it effectively.

Whether change is thrust upon us, or we seek it, there is always a catalyst. For some it’s a traumatic event that snaps us sharply into a new reality…one that we were unprepared for. In other cases, it can be a feeling of lack, or of being stuck, or a sense that there is more to life than one’s current experience reflects. Often, it is a combination of these factors.

In my own experience, sheer determination allowed me to make progress. However, I reached a point where I could go no further without additional tools or support. This was not an easy road I was choosing to navigate. There is no direct route from ‘A’ to ‘B’.

Transformation does not happen in a straight line.

Tools and Support

A critical turning point in an individual’s life is often triggered by a traumatic event. Something that completely knocks us off our course. This is what happened to me, and it led to a protracted period of shock, grief and a deep sense of hopelessness. In his book Personal Power, Tony Robbins said,

‘change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change’

When one reaches that point and begins to climb out of the depths of despair, a search for answers begins. Mainstream methods of coping, or reliance on tools that were effective in the past, can often help a person to move forward. In many cases however, those methods are insufficient. Such was the case for me…my whole world had changed, and I was completely lost. The one thing I could do  was get busy…action always leads me somewhere. This time, it was to my discovery of astrology. I began by reading a multitude of books on the subject, and I had my first chart reading. In a short period of time, I learned two key things:

1) The importance of validation. Recognition that one’s response to a traumatic event is completely understandable, offering a foothold from which change and healing can begin.

2) Astrology is a vast subject. Reading alone is not enough. Intense study, learning from experts and mentors, collaboration, and broadly exploring various branches of astrology, are essential to discovering what resonates…it is different for everyone.

Knowledge Alone Isn’t Enough

Self-knowledge and practical skills are essential to personal growth and transformation. But often these things are not, in and of themselves, sufficient to accomplish the desired change.  To paraphrase Mark Jones, one must completely metabolize what they have learned to the extent that crossing the threshold of transformation becomes possible. It is only then that healing can occur at one’s deepest core.

In the case of my own development, I had reached a point where I attained confidence and authority in my astrological knowledge, and I understood how and why my experiences had manifest as they did. Intellectually I had come a long way, but still I was still missing something. Once again, I felt stuck. I had not fully absorbed what I had learned to a core level…I still had work to do. This suggests that astrology on its own is not always enough. Sometimes the help of an objective collaborator is essential to help one walk through the final gate(s) of transformation.   

My own result was realized from two significant elements:

  1. A focus on Evolutionary Astrology, where the ‘soul’ and soul consciousness of the individual are integral to understanding the full potential of the natal chart.
  2. A reminder that change is never brought about by just one thing, and sometimes expert help is essential.

Even the most valuable tools have limited efficacy without the dynamism of energetic exchange.

Catalyst for Transformation

If one believes in the journey of the soul, it naturally follows that each person has a type of role or assignment for their current incarnation. There is much to be said about this in future posts. However, as illustrated in the brief reference to my journey, most humans do not begin with the idea that ‘I must transform’.

The road towards transformation begins in ways that are very often unbidden by us. Our first step onto that path is the result of some traumatic event, or a significant realization. At best, we can choose to engage with the lessons we are meant to learn, face our fears, and move further along the path of our journey.

When a person encounters a challenge or roadblock in their life, a natural tendency is to remove the obstruction. However, things are not always straightforward.  When it comes to self-knowledge, healing and transformation, as Dane Rudhyar suggested,

we need to understand how best to meet the boulders we encounter on our path, but only after understanding why they are there.  

Healing and transformation cannot be accomplished until one understands why they are where they are. Evolutionary Astrology can be effectively used to gain an appreciation of how we arrived at the place where we find ourselves: in specific circumstances, with specific relationships, and with specific gifts and challenges. These are consequential elements of life that generate bigger questions and issues than most individuals can navigate alone. This is where the professional astrologer, consultant, mentor, or coach can offer meaningful support.

If we are to engage our inner resources to access the quality of strength and response required to meet life’s obstacles, self-knowledge and understanding are essential. The greater opportunity is to fulfill our individual potential and evolution, as Rudhyar believed. In either case, one must begin with awareness and work towards transformation. It is not an easy road, but one worth traveling.